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pg_duckdb Extension

pg_duckdb is an Open-source Postgres extension that embeds DuckDB's columnar-vectorized analytics engine and features into Postgres.

Main features include :

  • SELECT queries executed by the DuckDB engine can directly read Postgres tables
  • Read and Write support for object storage (AWS S3, Cloudflare R2, or Google GCS)
  • Read and Write support for data stored in MotherDuck

For more information about functionality and installation, checkout the repository's README.

Connect with MotherDuck

To enable this support you first need to generate an access token and then add the following line to your postgresql.conf file:

duckdb.motherduck_token = 'your_access_token'

NOTE: If you don't want to store the token in your postgresql.conffile can also store the token in the motherduck_token environment variable and then explicitly enable MotherDuck support in your postgresql.conf file:

duckdb.motherduck_enabled = true

If you installed pg_duckdb in a different Postgres database than the default one named postgres, then you also need to add the following line to your postgresql.conf file:

duckdb.motherduck_postgres_database = 'your_database_name'

After doing this (and possibly restarting Postgres). You can then you create tables in the MotherDuck database by using the duckdb Table Access Method like this:

CREATE TABLE orders(id bigint, item text, price NUMERIC(10, 2)) USING duckdb;
CREATE TABLE users_md_copy USING duckdb AS SELECT * FROM users;

Any tables that you already had in MotherDuck are automatically available in Postgres. Since DuckDB and MotherDuck allow accessing multiple databases from a single connection and Postgres does not, we map database+schema in DuckDB to a schema name in Postgres.

This is done in the following way:

  1. Each schema in your default MotherDuck database are simply merged with the Postgres schemas with the same name.
  2. Except for the main DuckDB schema in your default database, which is merged with the Postgres public schema.
  3. Tables in other databases are put into dedicated DuckDB-only schemas. These schemas are of the form ddb$<duckdb_db_name>$<duckdb_schema_name> (including the literal $ characters).
  4. Except for the main schema in those other databases. That schema should be accessed using the shorter name ddb$<db_name> instead.

An example of each of these cases is shown below:

INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (1, 'abc'); -- inserts into my_db.main.my_table
INSERT INTO your_schema.tab1 VALUES (1, 'abc'); -- inserts into my_db.your_schema.tab1
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ddb$my_shared_db.aggregated_order_data; -- reads from my_shared_db.main.aggregated_order_data
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ddb$sample_data$hn.hacker_news; -- reads from