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MotherDuck UI quick tour


To log in to MotherDuck UI, please go to You will be redirected to our web UI.

Main Window


Executing a sample query

After you log in, run the following SQL query:

country_name, city, pm25_concentration AS pm25_pollution
FROM sample_data.who.ambient_air_quality
WHERE year=2019 AND pm25_concentration IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY pm25_pollution ASC

This query accesses the Sample Data Database which is attached by default.

MotherDuck executes this query in the cloud. Query results are saved into your browser into an interactive panel for fast data exploration with data sorting, filtering, and pivoting.

Query Result

Diving into your data with Column Explorer

Exploring tables or resultsets

The Column Explorer allows you to see stats on either a selected table or the resultset from the selected notebook cell.

Seeing value frequencies

For each column, you'll see the column type, the most commonly-occurring values and the percentage of values that are NULL.

In the case the values are numerical, you'll see a histogram visualization.

Charting time series

If you have time series data, you'll also see a chart in the Column Explorer.

Writing queries with Autocomplete

MotherDuck Web UI supports autocomplete. As you write SQL in the UI, on every keystroke autocomplete brings up query syntax suggestions. You can turn off autocomplete in Web UI settings, found by clicking your profile in the top-right and choosing "Settings."

Writing SQL with confidence using FixIt

FixIt helps you resolve common SQL errors by offering fixes in-line.

FixIt uses a large language model (LLM) to generate suggestions; it feeds the error, the query, and additional context into an LLM to generate a new line that fixes the query.


MotherDuck settings are found by clicking your profile at the top-right. These settings are specific to each MotherDuck user.

UI settings


MotherDuck enables you to query cloud blob stores without supplying credentials each time. Currently, credentials are supported for AWS S3 and Azure Blob Storage.

Service token

This section contains a long token which can be used for authenticating to MotherDuck.

Keyboard shortcuts

MotherDuck supports the following keyboard shortcuts.

Use Alt for Windows/Linux and for Mac. Use Ctrl for Windows/Linux and for Mac.

Ctrl/⌘ + EnterExecute query in currently selected cell.
Alt/⌥ + EnterExecute query in currently selected cell, then insert new cell at bottom of notebook and select the new cell.
TabWhen editing a query, indent current line. When navigating the notebook, advance to next UI element/button.

Hit Esc to allow Tab to no longer indent current line and advance to next UI element instead.
Shift + TabWhen editing a query, de-indent current line. When navigating the notebook, move to previous UI element/button.

Hit Esc to allow Shift-Tab to no longer de-indent current line and move to previous UI element instead.
EscChange Tab key behavior to navigate the UI instead of indent/de-indent editor text. Once another cell is selected, Tab behavior reverts to indent/de-indent.
Ctrl/⌘ + / or Ctrl + /Toggle comment on all highlighted lines in query editor by prepending or removing "-- " at the start of each line.

Will comment out the highlighted lines unless all lines are already commented out, in which case it will uncomment.
Ctrl/⌘ + zUndo query edits within currently selected cell.
Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + zRedo query edits within currently selected cell.
Ctrl/⌘ + ↑Move currently selected cell up.
Ctrl/⌘ + ↓Move currently selected cell down.