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Hex a software platform for collaborative data science and analytics using Python, SQL and no-code.

In this small guide, we will show you how to connect Hex to MotherDuck and display your first chart. You can jump directly on the Hex notebook for a quickstart. Hex notebook supports multiple kind of cells, including SQL, Python and no-code cells.

You can query MotherDuck using both Python and SQL cells! We'll showcase this in our quick guide, along with creating some data visualizations.

Storing your MotherDuck token

The first step is to safely store your MotherDuck token. You can do this by creating a new secret in Hex.

Hex secrets

Let's add your MotherDuck service token under the name motherduck_token.

Hex secrets2

Once done, add the next Python cell to export as environment variable your motherduck_token. This will be detected by SQL/Python processes when authenticating to MotherDuck.

# Passing the secrets as environment variable for Python/SQL cell auth
# Fill in your token as a Hex project secret
import os
os.environ["motherduck_token"] = motherduck_token

Using Python cells

Connecting to MotherDuck

Connecting to MotherDuck is straightforward as DuckDB is already pre-installed in the Hex environment!

Add a Python cell and run the following code:

Hex add cell

import duckdb 

# Connect to MotherDuck using Python
conn = duckdb.connect(f'md:')

Query some data and display a chart

We can now easily query some data based on the sample_data database. We will run a simple query and return it as a pandas dataframe in order to display it as a chart. This database is auto-attached to any MotherDuck user, so you can query it directly.

Add another Python cell and run the following code:

# Query sample_data database and convert it to a pandas dataframe for dataviz
peak_hours = conn.sql("""
SELECT dayname(tpep_pickup_datetime) AS day_of_week, strftime('%H', tpep_pickup_datetime) AS hour_of_day, COUNT(*) AS trip_count
GROUP BY day_of_week, hour_of_day
ORDER BY day_of_week, hour_of_day;""").to_df()

Now we can display the chart using the Visualization cell. Add a new Visualization cell, type Chart and select the dataframe we just created peak_hours.

Hex chart

Finally, play with the parameters to obtain the following chart which gives you a weekly view of the peak hours in New York City for the yellow cabs.

Hex chart peak hours

Using SQL cells

Connecting to MotherDuck

Add a new SQL cell and select Dataframes to be able to query the current Dataframes in scope. This is needed as we don't setup a traditional SQL connection using Hex. Instead, we authenticate to MotherDuck using SQL commands. hex_sql

Finally, use the ATTACH command to connect to MotherDuck.

-- connect to MotherDuck using DuckDB SQL command Attach, motherduck_token should be set as environment variable
ATTACH 'md:';

Query some data

Add another cell and run the same query we ran in a Python cell :

SELECT dayname(tpep_pickup_datetime) AS day_of_week, strftime('%H', tpep_pickup_datetime) AS hour_of_day, COUNT(*) AS trip_count
GROUP BY day_of_week, hour_of_day
ORDER BY day_of_week, hour_of_day;

This produces both a table and a Dataframe, which you can utilize in the same manner as we previously demonstrated with Python to generate data visualizations.
