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Managing Organizations

An Organization is a top-level entity in MotherDuck that enables you to perform administrative functions, such as managing users, setting up billing, configuring sharing, monitoring security, and so on. A MotherDuck user can only belong to a single Organization at a time.

Currently, Organizations are most useful to group users together for tracking usage and billing.


The various capabilities in Organizations are being rolled out in phases throughout May 2024. These plans and temporary limitations are detailed below.

Creating an Organization

If you already have a MotherDuck account, an Organization was already created for you by MotherDuck.

If you are a new MotherDuck user, during sign-up you will be prompted to create a new Organization.


Inviting Users to Your Organization

You can check if your teammates are in your Organization by navigating to the MotherDuck Web UI -> "Settings" -> "Members". There you may also invite your teammates to join your Organization.



MotherDuck will be introducing Administrator and Member system roles in May of 2024.

Joining an Existing Organization

If you'd like to join your teammates' existing MotherDuck Organization, you must be invited by an Administrator in that Organization. Once an invite is generated, you will receive an email with a link to join the Organization.

Limitations and Upcoming Improvements

Currently Organizations have the following limitations, all of which will be addressed before June 2024:

  • There is currently no distinction between an Administrator or a Member in Organizations.
  • You cannot suspend or delete a user from your Organization. Reach out to us for assistance.
  • You currently cannot configure your organization for intra-org sharing or global sharing.