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Interrupting active server connections

The md_interrupt_server_connection scalar function can be used to interrupt an active transaction on a server-side connection. This will interrupt and fail / rollback the active transaction (when executing for example a long-running query), but will allow the connection to be used for future transactions and queries. The function takes as input the client_connection_id, i.e. the unique identifier for the client DuckDB connection that initiated the server connection.


SELECT md_interrupt_server_connection(<client_connection_id>);

Example usage

Interrupting a specific connection:

SELECT md_interrupt_server_connection('2601e799-51b3-47a7-a64f-18688d148887');

Using md_interrupt_server_connection in conjunction with md_active_server_connections to interrupt a subset or all of the currently active connections:

-- Interrupt all connections where a `CREATE TABLE` query is running
SELECT md_interrupt_server_connection(client_connection_id)
FROM md_active_server_connections()
WHERE starts_with(client_query, 'CREATE TABLE');