Live Demo: Getting Started with MotherDuck and the DuckDB UIRegister Now

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The MD_INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SHARED_WITH_ME view provides information about all shares that the current user can attach to (excluding their own created shares).


When you query the MD_INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SHARED_WITH_ME view, the query results contain one row for each share that the current user can discover.

The MD_INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SHARED_WITH_ME view has the following schema:

Column NameData TypeValue
NAMESTRINGThe name of the share
URLSTRINGThe share_url which can be used to attach the share
CREATED_TSTIMESTAMPThe share’s creation time
UPDATESTRINGThe share’s update mode (MANUAL vs. AUTOMATIC)
ACCESSSTRINGWhether anyone (referred to as UNRESTRICTED) or only organization members (referred to as ORGANIZATION) can attach to the share by its share_url

Example usage

efs_ia_benchmarkmd:_share/efs_ia_benchmark/11597119-359a-4e02-8e5c-bc2b9b8c19082024-07-16 15:09:11-04MANUALORGANIZATION
hf_load_test_sharemd:_share/hf_load_test_share/f76062a5-f1f5-4024-987d-fc2eea48311b2024-07-29 09:07:33-04MANUALORGANIZATION
mdwmd:_share/mdw/87be4635-fbfd-4d4b-9cae-b629842733d52024-10-16 17:04:42-04AUTOMATICORGANIZATION
my_sample_sharemd:_share/my_sample_share/c4ee2a30-2fb6-4cb5-b664-9030ae43ffdc2024-09-24 17:53:23-04MANUALORGANIZATION