MotherDuck REST API
The REST API methods are in 'Preview' and may change in the future
To better support scenarios that require some flexibility or dynamic configuration around managing a MotherDuck organization we are exposing an OpenAPI endpoint with some new functionality. At the moment it enables limited management of users and tokens via HTTP without requiring a DuckDB + MotherDuck client to be running.
All of the methods are authenticated using the token of an ADMIN user from your MotherDuck Organization
and passing it via the Authorization
header with a value of Bearer TOKEN
If you would like to generate your own OpenAPI client the spec file is located at
📄️ Create new user
Create user is currently restricted to creating a user with a 'Member' role
📄️ Create an access token for a user
Create an access token for a user
📄️ Invalidate a user access token
Invalidate a user access token
📄️ Delete a user
Permanently delete a user and all of their data. THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE
📄️ List a user's access tokens
List a user's access tokens
📄️ Get user instances
Gets instance configuration for a user. Requires 'Admin' role.
📄️ Set user instances
Sets instance configuration for a user. Requires 'Admin' role