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Uninstall MotherDuck extension

How do I uninstall MotherDuck?

  • Remove motherduck_* from your environment variables (most likely only motherduck_token) [1]
  • Remove any motherduck*.duckdb_extension file located into ~/.duckdb [2]

[1] To view all your environment variables you may use:

$ env | grep -i motherduck

To unset in the current session:

$ unset motherduck_token

To unset the variable permanently, you may have to check your shell initialisation files (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, etc.)

[2] Note those files are generally under ~/.duckdb/extensions/<DuckDB Version>/<platform>. Eg. ~/.duckdb/extensions/v0.9.1/osx_arm64.

You may use this script:

$ find ~/.duckdb -name 'motherduck*.duckdb_extension' -exec rm {} \;