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The Sample Data Database

We have prepared a series of datasets for you to play to dive in MotherDuck! The database sample_data is readily available for all new users, as it's automatically attached to your account.

If you encounter any issues or detached it, you can also manual attach it using :

ATTACH 'md:_share/sample_data/23b0d623-1361-421d-ae77-62d701d471e6' AS sample_data
who.ambient_air_qualityHistorical air quality data from the World Health Organization.
nyc.taxiTaxi Ride data from November 2020
nyc.rideshareRide share trips (Lyft, Uber etc) in NYC
nyc.service_requestsRequests to NYC's 311 complaint hotline via phone and web
hn.hacker_newsSample of comments from Hacker News
kaggle.moviesSample of the movies dataset from Kaggle

This one contains Hacker News and air quality datasets