New Collaboration Features: Org-level sharing and Auto-Join

2024/07/16 - 2 min read


As the Ducking Simple Data Warehouse, MotherDuck aims to make it very easy for small teams to get their jobs done quickly and smoothly. We’ve designed our initial collaboration capabilities with that in mind. In our latest release, we’ve launched the ability to auto-join a MotherDuck Organization in the same email domain, and you can now easily share data with everyone in the organization. Combining these two capabilities makes building your collaborative data warehouse a joyful experience.


To enable users with an email address on your domain to automatically join your organization, you’ll find an option for “Anyone with a email can join” under “Settings” [top left menu], “Organization.”

Here’s an example for the Organization:


Org-level Sharing and Discoverability

MotherDuck has URL-based sharing, where a user can get a share URL and pass it onto another user for them to query. Now, we’re excited that org-level sharing and discoverability have been added to MotherDuck to make sharing even easier. You simply click the ellipses after hovering over a database in the UI and choosing “Share.”


Next you can choose what level of Access to the data you want to enable – whether anyone with the share link (including folks outside your Organization), or restricted to folks inside the organization with the share link.


Lastly, you can select whether the shared data is discoverable by other users in the organization and will exist under the “Shared with me” section in the MotherDuck UI left navigation [see screenshot above].

Now all the users in your MotherDuck organization can analyze data, build machine learning models and more with the same shared dataset.

What Collaboration Features are Important to You?

Please let us know what collaboration features are important to you. You can either add suggestions to our Canny feature tracker, or start a conversation with the team on our Community Slack. We look forward to hearing from you!

  1. Auto-Join
  2. What Collaboration Features are Important to You?

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