Till Döhmen

Till Döhmen's photo

Till Döhmen

Software Engineer

Till joins us from Hopsworks, the ML Platform company, where he was Senior Research Engineer. He is currently pursuing a PhD at the intersection of data management and machine learning.


Introducing the prompt() Function: Use the Power of LLMs with SQL!

2024/10/17 - Till Döhmen

Introducing the prompt() Function: Use the Power of LLMs with SQL!

We make your database smarter with small language model (and LLM) support in SQL

Generating a data app with your MotherDuck data

2024/09/06 - Till Döhmen

Generating a data app with your MotherDuck data

How to generate a web app dashboard based on your data

Introducing the embedding() function: Semantic search made easy with SQL!

2024/08/14 - Till Döhmen

Introducing the embedding() function: Semantic search made easy with SQL!

Doing RAG for LLMs or making semantic search results pop? MotherDuck and DuckDB make it easy!

Reflections on SIGMOD/PODS 2024: Insights and Highlights

2024/07/02 - Till Döhmen

Reflections on SIGMOD/PODS 2024: Insights and Highlights

MotherDuck Founding Engineer Stephanie Wang and AI/ML Lead Till Döhmen recap their highlights and key takeaways from SIGMOD PODS 2024 in Santiago, Chile. Learn more about emerging trends in Text2SQL, Hybrid Resource Allocation, Data Discovery, and more.

Introducing FixIt: an unreasonably effective AI error fixer for SQL

2024/01/03 - Till Döhmen, Hamilton Ulmer

Introducing FixIt: an unreasonably effective AI error fixer for SQL

FixIt will correct mistakes in your SQL queries based on the schema and DuckDB syntax. Based on a large language model (LLM).


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