2024/10/17 - Till Döhmen
Introducing the prompt() Function: Use the Power of LLMs with SQL!
We make your database smarter with small language model (and LLM) support in SQL
2024/09/06 - Till Döhmen
Generating a data app with your MotherDuck data
How to generate a web app dashboard based on your data
2024/08/14 - Till Döhmen
Introducing the embedding() function: Semantic search made easy with SQL!
Doing RAG for LLMs or making semantic search results pop? MotherDuck and DuckDB make it easy!
2024/07/02 - Stephanie Wang, Till Döhmen
Reflections on SIGMOD/PODS 2024: Insights and Highlights
MotherDuck Founding Engineer Stephanie Wang and AI/ML Lead Till Döhmen recap their highlights and key takeaways from SIGMOD PODS 2024 in Santiago, Chile. Learn more about emerging trends in Text2SQL, Hybrid Resource Allocation, Data Discovery, and more.