Visualizing text embeddings using MotherDuck and marimo

2024/12/11 - 5 min read

Myles Scolnick

Text embeddings have become a crucial tool in AI/ML applications, allowing us to convert text into numerical vectors that capture semantic meaning. These vectors are often used for semantic search, but in this blog post, we'll explore how to visualize and explore text embeddings interactively using MotherDuck and marimo. Visualizing embeddings helps us understand relationships between different pieces of text, detect patterns, and validate whether our embedding model captures the semantic similarities we expect to see.

For those new to marimo, marimo is a reactive Python and SQL notebook that keeps track of the dependencies between cells and automatically re-runs cells (or marks them stale) when code or UI elements change - similar to how Excel recalculates formulas when you update cell values. This means cells do not get executed from top-to-bottom, but rather, their execution order is determined by the variables, tables, or database created and consumed by each cell. This environment makes it perfect for interactive data exploration.

What We'll Build

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have:

  • An interactive visualization of text embeddings in 2D - skip to the demo!
  • Automatic clustering of similar texts
  • The ability to explore relationships between different pieces of text
  • A foundation for building your own text analysis tools

Setting Up Your Environment

You'll need:

  • A MotherDuck account, with access to the embedding() function (a SQL function that converts text to embeddings)
  • marimo locally installed. First, create a new virtual environment with your preferred package manager. Install with: pip install 'marimo[recommended]'or follow the installation instructions.
  • Python >= 3.10

Create a new marimo notebook by running marimo edit We'll start by importing the required libraries:

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# Data manipulation and database connections import polars as pl import duckdb import numba # <- FYI, this module takes a while to load, be patient import pyarrow # Visualization import altair as alt import marimo as mo # ML tools for dimensionality reduction and clustering import umap # For reducing high-dimensional embeddings to 2D import hdbscan # For clustering similar embeddings import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

marimo will automatically ask you to install these dependencies. Choose the package manager you used to install marimo from the dropdown and hit Install. If you would like to start from a reproducible notebook with the same versions, you can download this notebook and run: marimo edit --sandbox

Connecting to MotherDuck and Loading Sample Data

First, let's connect to MotherDuck. marimo supports both Python and SQL cells, making database operations straightforward:

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-- This will prompt you to log in and authorize the connection. ATTACH IF NOT EXISTS 'md:my_db'

This command will open a new browser window to log into MotherDuck. Next, we'll load sample data from the Hacker News Posts dataset. We'll create a table called demo_embedding containing popular posts with a specific keyword. Thanks to marimo's reactivity, any changes to this query will automatically update (or mark stale) any dependent visualizations:

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CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE my_db.demo_embedding AS SELECT DISTINCT ON (url) * -- Remove duplicate URLs FROM 'hf://datasets/julien040/hacker-news-posts/story.parquet' WHERE contains(title, 'database') -- Filter for posts about databases AND score > 5 -- Only include popular posts LIMIT 50000;

Converting Text to Embeddings

Text embeddings are dense vectors that represent the meaning of text. Similar texts will have similar vectors, making them useful for tasks like semantic search and clustering. We'll use MotherDuck's embedding() function to generate these vectors:

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embeddings = mo.sql( f""" SELECT *, embedding(title) as text_embedding FROM my_db.demo_embedding LIMIT 1500; -- Limiting for performance in this demo, but you can adjust this """ )

The results are stored in the embeddings variable in Python, which we'll use for clustering and visualization. Each embedding is a high-dimensional vector (in our case, 512 dimensions).

Making Sense of High-Dimensional Data

Text embeddings typically have hundreds of dimensions (512 in our case), making them impossible to visualize directly. We'll use two techniques to make them interpretable:

  1. Dimensionality Reduction: Convert our 512D vectors into 2D points while preserving relationships between texts
  2. Clustering: Group similar texts together into clusters

Here are our helper functions:

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def reduce_dimensions(np_array): """ Reduce the dimensions of embeddings to a 2D space. Here we use the UMAP algorithm. UMAP preserves both local and global structure of the high-dimensional data. """ reducer = umap.UMAP( n_components=2, # Reduce to 2D for visualization metric="cosine", # Use cosine similarity for text embeddings n_neighbors=80, # Higher values = more global structure min_dist=0.1, # Controls how tightly points cluster ) return reducer.fit_transform(np_array) def cluster_points(np_array, min_cluster_size=4, max_cluster_size=50): """ Cluster the embeddings. Here we use the HDBSCAN algorithm. We first reduce dimensionality to 50D with PCA to speed up clustering, while still preserving most of the important information. """ pca = PCA(n_components=50) np_array = pca.fit_transform(np_array) hdb = hdbscan.HDBSCAN( min_samples=3, # Minimum points to form dense region min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size, # Minimum size of a cluster max_cluster_size=max_cluster_size, # Maximum size of a cluster ).fit(np_array) return np.where(hdb.labels_ == -1, "outlier", "cluster_" + hdb.labels_.astype(str))

Processing the Data

Now we'll transform our high-dimensional embeddings into something we can visualize:

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with mo.status.spinner("Clustering points...") as _s: embeddings_array = embeddings["text_embedding"].to_numpy() hdb_labels = cluster_points(embeddings_array) _s.update("Reducing dimensionality...") embeddings_2d = reduce_dimensions(embeddings_array)

Using polars, we can stitch the 2D embeddings and the cluster labels back on to our original dataframe.

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data = embeddings.lazy() # Lazy evaluation for performance data = data.with_columns( text_embedding_2d_1=embeddings_2d[:, 0], text_embedding_2d_2=embeddings_2d[:, 1], cluster=hdb_labels, ) data = data.unique(subset=["url"], maintain_order=True) # Remove duplicate URLs data = data.drop(["text_embedding", "id"]) # Drop unused columns data = data.filter(pl.col("cluster") != "outlier") # Filter out outliers data = data.collect() # Collect the data data

Creating an Interactive Visualization

Let's create a scatter plot where:

  • Each point represents a text (Hacker News title in our case)
  • Similar texts appear closer together
  • Colors indicate different clusters of related texts
  • You can interact with points to see the underlying text

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chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_point().encode( x=alt.X("text_embedding_2d_1").scale(zero=False), y=alt.Y("text_embedding_2d_2").scale(zero=False), color="cluster", tooltip=["title", "score", "cluster"] ) chart = mo.ui.altair_chart(chart) chart

And display the chart's selected points:

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Exploring the Results

You can interact with the visualization in several ways:

  • Hover over points to see the actual titles
  • Look for clusters of related topics
  • Identify outliers or unexpected groupings

The visualization shows clusters of semantically similar texts. Each point represents a document, and the proximity between points indicates semantic similarity. Colors represent different clusters identified by our clustering algorithm.

Customizing the Analysis

You can experiment with:

  1. UMAP parameters:
    • n_neighbors: Higher values (>100) preserve more global structure, lower values (<20) focus on local relationships
    • min_dist: Controls how tightly points cluster together
  2. HDBSCAN parameters:
    • min_cluster_size: Minimum number of points to form a cluster
    • min_samples: Controls noise sensitivity (higher values = more points labeled as noise)
  3. Different embedding models in MotherDuck:
    • Try embedding(title, model="text-embedding-3-large") for potentially better results

Next Steps

That's it! You've created an interactive text embedding explorer using MotherDuck and marimo. The full code is available here, as well as an interactive demo deployed as a marimo application.

If you prefer using python directly, its easy as these two commands to get started:

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pip install marimo marimo edit

Some ideas if you’d like extend this:

  • Change the initial dataset
  • Choose a different initial keyword or filters
  • Add marimo sliders and inputs to make tweaking UMAP and HDBSCAN even easier
  • Implement semantic search functionality to highlight related points
  1. What We'll Build
  2. Setting Up Your Environment
  3. Connecting to MotherDuck and Loading Sample Data
  4. Converting Text to Embeddings
  5. Making Sense of High-Dimensional Data
  6. Processing the Data
  7. Creating an Interactive Visualization
  8. Exploring the Results
  9. Customizing the Analysis
  10. Next Steps

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