aggregate functions

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Aggregate functions are SQL operations that perform calculations across multiple rows of data to produce a single summary value. These functions help analysts understand patterns and trends by computing statistics like totals, averages, counts and other numerical summaries from groups of records.

Common Aggregate Functions

The most frequently used aggregate functions in DuckDB include:

COUNT() - Returns the number of rows in a group

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-- Count total orders SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders; -- Count distinct customers SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) FROM orders;

SUM() - Adds up all values in a numeric column

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-- Total revenue SELECT SUM(order_amount) FROM orders; -- Revenue by product category SELECT category, SUM(order_amount) FROM orders GROUP BY category;

AVG() - Calculates the arithmetic mean

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-- Average order value SELECT AVG(order_amount) FROM orders;

MIN() and MAX() - Find the smallest and largest values

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-- Price range by category SELECT category, MIN(price) as lowest_price, MAX(price) as highest_price FROM products GROUP BY category;

Advanced Aggregates

DuckDB provides several advanced aggregate functions beyond the basics:

STDDEV() and VARIANCE() - Calculate statistical measures of spread

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SELECT category, STDDEV(price) as price_std_dev, VARIANCE(price) as price_variance FROM products GROUP BY category;

ARRAY_AGG() - Collects values into an array

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-- Get array of order dates by customer SELECT customer_id, ARRAY_AGG(order_date ORDER BY order_date) as order_dates FROM orders GROUP BY customer_id;

Filtering Aggregates

DuckDB supports the FILTER clause to conditionally include rows in aggregations:

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SELECT COUNT(*) as total_orders, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE status = 'completed') as completed_orders FROM orders;

This provides more readable syntax compared to using CASE statements or WHERE clauses for conditional aggregation.

Null Handling

By default, aggregate functions ignore null values. The COUNT(*) function counts all rows, while COUNT(column_name) only counts non-null values. You can use COALESCE() or IFNULL() to handle nulls differently if needed.

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-- Count including nulls converted to zero SELECT SUM(COALESCE(amount, 0)) FROM transactions;